Mesa Virtual Campus Closed Permantently, photo of school house
5 columns describing the daily theme for the Chargefest spirit week
spring flowers and picture day info monday, march 4 9:00-11:00am at MVC, must prepay online
school pictures of girls and boys
winter snowy trees, penguin, snowman, white bear
Cookies and cup of cocoa
Chargefest schedule, snowflakes, Christmas tree, dreidel
Thanksgiving Food Drive, cornucopia
Family Turkey Trot picture of running turkey
MVC Book Fair 10/26-11/9 in person and online
MVC picture day, preorder online
Charge Fest - falling for fall October 2-6
Parent volunteers needed - join SIAC with Mesa Virtual Campus
Family Outreach for Mesa Virtual families
MVC wants your "back to school" pictures
MVC Back to school  reminders
Sumer office hours for Mesa Virtual Campus
We're moving  between May 31-June 6
Dairy Queen fundraiser May 22 from 6-9 pm drive through only